making you
our priority.

Our Mission
The Care Project's main goal is to raise funds for the purchase of personal hygiene products and toiletries for the underprivileged. This is to help deprived individuals be healthier so that they can seek jobs and care for their families and future. We are planning future add-ons to the project, which are coming soon!
who we are
Rodrigo Beyruti
Ever since I was a kid, I have always been driven by the joy of helping others. Watching my parents who are often engaged in philanthropic work instilled in me the same altruistic feelings. Witnessing their diligent volunteer work and growing up in a developing country led me to witness many scenes of injustice and social inequality that have never left my mind. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by family and friends who always tried to improve the conditions of others. As soon as I started volunteering with my parents at an early age, one of my greatest inspirations became Edu Lyra, the founder of the renowned NGO Gerando Falcoes. From a low-class background, Edu never gave up on his dream of giving more opportunities and resources to people like him. As I volunteered side-by-side with him, I saw his stamina and determination to end corruption, educate others, and provide for underprivileged communities throughout Brazil. Today, he is the founder of the Gerando Falcoes Institute, which works to ensure young people in deprived communities will receive proper education and be safe, so they can have a better future. Watching him grow from a small volunteering group to more than 205 thousand people has been one of my greatest inspirations. Now is a particularly important time to reach out to deprived communities since the world is undergoing an epidemic crisis, governmental inequality, and environmental injustice. It is the responsibility of those with better conditions to help others in need. With this in mind, I decided to do my part and help as much as I can. This is how the Care Project came about. When people ask me what I did with my adolescence, I don't want to say that I threw it away while playing video games or going out every Saturday night. I want to say that I created a project to help people in need and motivated others my age to also reach out to help communities in need. The idea for this project started with our great concern regarding the enormous poverty in Brazil, especially at this time of crisis when more people are increasingly fragile and vulnerable due to hunger, lack of education, proper healthcare, and discrimination. In decisive moments like these, when people grow desperate about the pandemic, it is of utmost importance that those in a position of privilege need to help their neighbor and contribute most of all. It is with this in mind that we have decided to do our part amid all these problems and create the Care Project. We observed that a majority of personal hygiene products, which are fundamental in the fight against the Coronavirus, are starting to be in short supply. Knowing the reality of many people in our country, we have concluded that we will facilitate access to these items in underprivileged regions, giving our main focus to these areas. We also believe, considering we live in a generation where information circulates very quickly on social networks and in the media in general, our project could have a very wide reach. Spreading this message of helping our neighbor to as many people as possible makes our project much more effective.
Davi Dale
Age: 18 years old
School: Graduated The American School of Sao Paulo
Age: 17 years old
School: Avenues School
Luis Roberto Camasmie
Age: 18 years old

why we started
The idea for this project started with a great concern on our part regarding the enormous poverty in Brazil, especially at this time of crisis, when we are all more fragile and worried. In important moments like these, when people are desperate about the virus, it is of utmost importance that those in a position to help their neighbor and those most in need contribute. It was with this in mind that we decided to do our part in the midst of all these problems and create the "Care" project. We saw that many of the personal hygiene products, which are fundamental in the fight against the Coronavirus, were starting to be in short supply, so knowing the reality of many people in our country we decided to make it easier to access these items in the less favored regions, giving a big focus to this area. We also thought that, since we live in a generation where information circulates very quickly on social networks and in the media in general, our project could have a very wide reach, spreading this message of helping our neighbor to as many people as we can, making this idea much more effective.